
Förebygga Alzheimer och Dementia med BDNF

Frihet handlar om att kunna ta ansvar för sig själv och undvika sjukdomar. Hälsan är prio ett! Det inser vi om inte förr direkt när vi drabbas av något som inte går över..

Enlig David Perlmutter går det inte att vända sjukdomen Alzheimer när man väl fått den. Såklart vill vi inte ha denna sjukdom så vi får försöka förebygga.

The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.” - John F. Kennedy 

Lev inte stressigt, det skapar Kortison som är dåligt på många sätt, även om det kan ta tid att se konsekvenserna. Det kan även ge gallsten..
Utveckla inte typ 2 diabetes.
Rör på dig! Speciellt Aerobic har visat sig bra för att skapa nya hjärnceller (åtminstone på några områden i hjärnan, tex Hippocampus).

Disclaimer/Förpliktelse: Som alltid innan du gör något, rådgör med din doktor gällande trovärdigheten i det som skrivs i detta inlägg.

Everybody Who Eats Needs To Hear This Warning | David Perlmutter on Health Theory
Kanal: Tom Bilyeu

13:50 ”Growth hormone for the brain BDNF, Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor. There are many things you can do to amp up BDNF. You can use Turmeric in your cooking, take a DHA supplement, even CBD has been demonstrated recently to increase BDNF. But the most important thing you need to buy to improve your BDNF is a new pair of running shoes because Aerobic exercise is able to manipulate the expression of this BDNF. “ – David Perlmutter
14:35 “Well To a lesser degree resistance exercise as well. But I simply telling people 20 minutes 5 days a week, hopefully more, and a heart rate value of 180 minus your age as a target, of course consult your health care practitioner. But what a powerful way to reduce your risk for dementia.”
– David Perlmutter

15:05 “You wanna have more of this chemical that does two important things. It increases the growth of new brain cells in your brain's memory center, which is a powerful target for Alzheimer’s, and it also increases the connection of brain cells one to the other, a process called neuroplasticity. That we can actually allow our brains to take advantage of the experiences that we then choose to pursue to build a better brain.” – David Perlmutter
32:25 "We have not treatment, and yet it is preventable. And it's like John Kennedy said in his inauguration, that "The time to fix the roof is when the sun is shining."

Tom Bilyeu frågar i slutet av intervjun: “What is the one change that people could make that would have the biggest positive impact on their health” 
51:35 "[...] Connection to our genome, connection to our microbio, connection to our families, connection to our neighbours, connection to those who live in other countries and connection to the planet." - David Perlmutter

Dr. Kirk Erickson at UCLA har forskat på det här med Aerobic, bara googla.

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Från podcast Dr. Ruscio Radio där David Perlmutter är med
“If we can prevent a disease, there’s no need for a cure. And when we see research being published by Dr. Kirk Erickson at UCLA showing that just regular aerobic exercise is associated with a 50% reduction in the risk of Alzheimer’s, that’s important information that the public certainly needs to be aware of in light of the fact that there is no meaningful treatment. 
When Dr. Melissa Schilling at NYU publishes a study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease indicating, again, a 50% reduction in risk of Alzheimer’s in people who don’t develop type 2 diabetes, that’s really important information.”


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