Tittade just på en fantastisk video från Robin Sharma! Robin cyklar runt i all enkelhet och njuter av vackra staden Rom samtidigt som han förmedlar klokhet.
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"Rare is the person who goes deep" - Robin Sharma Du kan se hans moutainbike ligga till höger. |
Nedan är från videon: ”Undefeatable: You as a glorious hero in 2018”
”Absolutely spectacular”
”The point I wanna make here; have a sense of history around your own life – The past is an incredible servant. A lot of us get stuck in it, we get stuck tradition, we got to be willing to disrupt the past but also to leveraging exploit the past and just see life as this incredible process leading you to where you need to be.” - Robin Sharma
“Take the critics saying or the cynics stones that they throw at you and your dreams this year and build them into monuments.” - Robin Sharma
“Remember the four interior empires you wanna work on this new year:
Your mindset – which is about installing the right beliefs and then thinking, you know valuable thoughts every day that serve you versus keeping stuck. And it’s just not mindset, that’s only 25 percent of the sport or of the game. Because you can be positively thinking but if you emotional life is a wreck and your heart is full of toxicity and anger and you haven’t forgiven the forgiven , how are you gonna do world class work?
So it’s mindset and heartset. Heartset you can work on by meditation, by prayer, by pouring out any pain into a journal, by spending time in nature. But that’s only 50 percent; mindset, heartset.
There’s also healthset. Energy is even more valuable than intelligence, you need to have high, high levels of stamina and energy so you keep on going while the competition is tired. So you can get up at 5 am club and join the 5 am club concept. So you can get the brain operating like an elite athlete thanks to exercise. But it’s not just mindset, heartset and healtset, it’s also soulsets.
(sigh), It’s so important to work on your character, you know, the coliseum is a great monument to people who were very spiritually awake. I love the “Meditations” of Marcus Aurelius, the great roman emperor. Who mentions you know all in life is just change. And enjoy what you have but don’t cling to it because everything is in transition like the seasons. So work on your spiritual life you know, love nice things, but don’t be attached to them. Less EGO, you know thinking about yourself and more thinking about humanity, and about doing work that creates a rich stream of values for those that count on you. Just being a really good person and not needing things from others but giving things to others.” – Robin Sharma
“And remember; VAGUE PLANS LEAD TO VAGUE RESULTS” - Robin Sharma
Robin skapar klara planer för året han har framför sig, han ser på dem 5 minuter varje morgon.
”Clarity breeds mastery.” – ”Fuzzy thinking doesn’t calibrate world class performance.” - Robin Sharma
Robin beundrar staden Rom ”Whats not to adore”, “Great people, incredible wisdom”
”Grow wisdom, we live in a world where a lot of people are trapped in superficiality. It’s the latest video, the latest TV-show, the latest gossip, the latest celebrity, handbag or watch or shoes or whatever video. Rare is the person who goes deep.” - Robin Sharma
“Rare is the person who does rigorous studying, rare is the person who is thoughtful about their days and their life. Rare is the person who detects their values. Rare is the person who studies the mistakes of history. Rare is a person that spends time in solitude in this age of dramatic distraction. This year makes some time for yourself. I call it the habit of the “sixty minute student”. At least 60 minutes a day: read. Read the great autobiographies, read the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, read about the great leaders, read about the fasting, read about philosophy, read about psychology, read about epigenetic, read about goal settings, read about connecting with human beings, read about emotional intelligence. But go deep and be a thoughtful, thoughtful human being.” – Robin Sharma
Fokusera på några få saker och göra dem bra istället för att “all over the the place”.
“You bandwidth is made up of your mental focus, your physical energy, your willpower, your time, your talent.” - Robin Sharma
“Great leaders are givers not takers” – Robin Sharma
Kanske fungerar denna länk till videon. Tack Robin för dina inspirerande ord!
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1:20 ”If you are constantly in a state of satisfaction and happiness. Then nothing is going to effect you deeply enough, so that you’ll become deep. And life without depth is by definition, shallow and meaningless. Because what is does is broaden and deepen your life in a manner that you might compare to the difference between elevator music and a Beethoven symphony. It’s not that the symphony is in any sense happier than musaics, in fact quite the contrary but it’s deeper and more profound, and richer and incorporates more and justifies itself more. And that’s the right metaphor for life, not happiness but depth and differentiated quality and profundity to match the profundity of the necessary of suffering.” – Jordan Peterson, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCC3-JI8cKk
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1:20 ”If you are constantly in a state of satisfaction and happiness. Then nothing is going to effect you deeply enough, so that you’ll become deep. And life without depth is by definition, shallow and meaningless. Because what is does is broaden and deepen your life in a manner that you might compare to the difference between elevator music and a Beethoven symphony. It’s not that the symphony is in any sense happier than musaics, in fact quite the contrary but it’s deeper and more profound, and richer and incorporates more and justifies itself more. And that’s the right metaphor for life, not happiness but depth and differentiated quality and profundity to match the profundity of the necessary of suffering.” – Jordan Peterson, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCC3-JI8cKk
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