Sadhguru om vad som är ett intelligent liv, ett enkelt liv
Många av oss sökande och nyfikna personer känner säkert till Sadhguru. Man ser honom lite här och där. Får lite Youtubeförslag där han är med. Jag hade inte tagit någon större notis till honom förrän jag hörde honom i Danica Patricks Podcast Pretty Intense. Du hittar avsnittet 106 här. Det avsnittet fick mig att förstå att Sadhguru är mycket vis. Att den här snubben kan man lära sig ett och annat av.
Så jag började förstås söka för att hitta om han hade något att säga om enkelhet. Och det hade han. Klokt värre. Sadhguru verkar vara en mästare på att förklara något komplicerat på ett enkelt sätt.
Och jag kan bara med självinsikt konstatera; att jag är en spindel som vävt ett nät som jag själv fastnat i. Och det är kämpigt att ta sig loss, men det borde gå!
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Spindelväv som tjänar vårt liv eller som vi själva trasslar in oss i? |
Nedan är ett uttrag från videon nedan. Hoppas du också inspireras av honom.
”If you think being a simpleton is a simple life,
I don’t recommend that.
But simple life generally meants that the arrangements that you make around your life are simple, so that it doesn’t entangle you, it only supports you.
See, all arrangement that we make in our lives are supposed to enhance our life, isn’t it?
Why do you get educated? Because you think it’ll enhance your life.
Why somebody gets married? Because they think it’ll enhance their life.
Why people will have children? Because they think it’ll enhance their life.
Why they’re doing business? Because they think it’ll enhance their life.
But look at people’s faces and see, before they got educated, before they got married, before they had children, how they were and how they have become today – does it look like they’re enhanced?
Hello? //Sadhguru gör en illustration av en trött sliten funderande person // They become like this. So obviously, they made so many arrangements that they cannot handle. They made more arrangements than they can actually handle, isn’t it so?
They did not make arrangements consciously.
- What is needed for me?
Their problem is, “She is everyday going shopping, so I also want to go shop, shopping. I don’t know what to shop but I’ll shop something and come, because she’s also shopping, my neighbor.”
So because they’re in this condition, though there is no container service at the end of life, most homes have turned into warehouses. Most people have things in their homes that they have not used for a year or two and still there. They can’t give it away, but it is cluttering their life in such a way, they have to trip all over the place, to walk around in their homes. Because they did not build this home, they did not buy these things. They did not form these relationships as a way of enhancing their life, they are using everything to entangle their life.
So simple life means, you’re not entangled. It’s very important. You are enhanced but you are not entangled. You make whatever the kind of arrangements you make, but the kind of arrangements you can handle, isn’t it? You don’t try to make arrangements like somebody else, and you don’t know how to handle. Why do you make an arrangement that you don’t need? If you make an arrangement that you don’t need these arrangements will become entangling.
What kind of arrangement is best for you? You just make that, this is a simple life. Simple life does not mean you’re a simpleton, all right?
You keeping it in such a way anytime you, wherever you need to go, you can go, whatever you have to do, you can do.
A spider weaves a web for other things to be caught.
But if you’re that kind of a spider, you build a web in which you’re caught. You’re a stupid spider, isn’t it? And most human beings are in that condition.
So simplicity means a sensible arrangement which will not entangle you. You made an arrangement in such a way;, you were going this way //Sadhguru pekar framåt // If something really significant happened this way //Sadhguru pekar åt vänster // you can go this way // Han pekar återigen åt vänster // Your arrangements will not trap you. That is a simple life. This is an intelligent life.” - Sadhguru
Thank you Sadhguru.