
Mer video.. Leva i en skåpbil :-)

Mer "VanLife", I just cant get enough... :-)

Riktig bra film med stundtals lite djupare prat. Älskar sånt här. Så här vill jag också testa att leva. Har testat i kortare perioder i bil, men dom är lite för små för att trivas fullt ut. Måste nog upp i minst minibuss, och kanske ändå större. Det är ett perfekt sätt att komma underfull med sig själv. Att lära känna sina gränser, vad man gillar mm. UTVECKLANDE!

Riktigt sugen på att skaffa en minibuss nu..

3:05 “It’s more like this trip is going to make us better people because this is going to make us very patient by making us go through pretty hard stuff.” – Simon, som inte kan sova pga av hård storm under natten.
“This trip is like giving up a warm bed and a dry bed.” “Giving up a lot of space to just think.”
4:05 ”And that´s all part of the deal that you get in order to just become a person who is more capable of keeping them self happy within them self. That I think has been the biggest lesson for us. Just realizing that this trip wasn’t going to make us better people by being an assume trip, this trip was going to make us better by being very hard. And by testing our boundaries by pushing us to the limits of what we´re willing to take. So that we can look back on that and know exactly where our limits are. And know that we can create that happiness for ourselves. That I think is the greatest goal of this whole trip for us.” - Simon

15:15 “Life is an adventure, and then you sleep on the streets.” - Simon
29:00 “I think a quality right now is about “am I living an interesting life?”, “Am I doing what I want?” We feel now a much greater sense of purpose in like direction maybe, because we´re making our own choices, because we have the freedom to go wherever we want. And we know that the direction we´re going is the direction we wanna go. That´s huge.” – Simon
“Hitting your head twenty times a day.” # vanlife
“Popping a foot away from your partner.” #vanlife
32:30 “When you´re living in a van and somebody else reaches out to you and there also living in a van, it is guaranteed that first of they are going to be weird, because it takes a weird person to do this. But they are going to get you, they are going to understand why you´re doing it. They´re gonna understand like where to park, the reality of like watching for certain neighborhoods. There’s all these things that you just can’t communicate to people who live in houses.” – Simon
37:40 “It’s been a huge eye-opener for me and I never ever want to like have a home office any more. I always wanna work in a coffee shop. I always wanna go to the local park now and to the library, into YMCA.” – Simon
37:50“We make our income from a few different places. We still have a wedding business that we run together. We shoot weddings for a living. So we´re getting deposits and we getting contracts and stuff while we´re on the road. And then we are fulfilling those again in the summer.” - Simon
38:15 “I have an airbnb shoot this morning. It will be my first airbnb shoot on the road.”
“I also works for airbnb which gives us a tiny bit of money but once and while I can do realestate photo shoots and it pays a little bit.”
– Simon
//De fotar airbnb hem olika kunder till Airbnb, men det är knepigt att boka tider enligt Simon då dom inte är så engagerade, eftersom det är gratis för dem. //
44:00 ”I think I´ve started to focus more on instead of focusing outwards in all these place that we´re going, focusing inward on how it effects me and realizing that it´s okay to live and to create in a place of uncertainty and in a place of awkwardness and being uncomfortable. And I think that for me, what the trip has become about is sort of taking myself out of my comfort zone and just, even just surviving in a place of being uncomfortable is enough to make you grow and change you as a person, and to be a valid experience. You don’t have set out being like “I´m gonna climb every mountain in the US”, you just have to exist in an awkward state and figure yourself out somehow. And I think that´s enough of a goal.” - Shelby
46:07 “We don’t want to make a life that we need vacation from. I your constantly saving up so you can vacation from your life because you hate it so much then what are you really doing?” – Shelby
46:20 “But I think also van has also taught me that the idea of like finding peace in a smaller space. Honestly I think it has to come about from being so frustrated that you have to learn to be happy no matter what.” – Shelby
47:30 “Maybe that´s what´s all it´s about, maybe it´s about putting yourself to the crucible of tiny living, to come out the other side as a better, more peaceful person.” - Simon

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